Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Turn Your Book into a Movie Poster

I thought we'd have some fun today. Pumping up your online book promotion can be hard work, but sometimes there are little gizmos and gadgets you can play with that will make your book stand out. Book promotion can't be all work and no play, can it?

Of course not.

The picture on the right is from a team of writers that have written a pretty darn good paranormal romance that is coming out in trade paperback in February by Mardi Gras Publishing called "The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost" which is authored by Heide Kaminski, Pam Lawniczak and myself.

Actually, that's not the book cover, but a poster I made for it. You can make your own movie posters for your books by visiting

Play around with it and have fun. Pumping up your online book promotion includes getting the word out about your book, so with that in mind, make your own poster and add it to your blog and website and tell all your friends to go see!

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Blogger Unknown said...

You are correct Print promotion is really tough work.

3:59 AM  

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